Botanical Night 2018 in Berlin - Secure Tickets Now! from 20 to 21 July 2018
The tenth Botanical Night in Germany's largest botanical garden takes you on an exciting journey through ten magical themed worlds, as long as you quickly secure your tickets!
The Botanical Garden and the Botanical Museum of Dahlem open their doors every year in July for nature and culture lovers. Due to the high demand, the Botanical Night will be extended to two nights again this year. On Friday and Saturday, July 20 and 21, a magical production entitled "The Light of Nature" will take place in and around the Tropic House. Each theme world tells its own story - fantastic, dramatic and rooted in nature. Get to know the colourful inhabitants of Botania and enjoy a packed programme with 160 artists, musicians and performances. Another highlight is a spectacular light and fire show.
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Date, Address
Where: Botanical Garden, Queen Luise Street 6-8,
When: July 20 and 21, 2018
Admission: 17:00 o'clock
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Botanical Night 2018 in Berlin
• Ticket for the Botanical Night
[button color="#ffffff" background="#000000" size="6" icon="icon:euro"]From € 37,20[/button] [button url="https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=11388&awinaffid=384089&clickref=&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.eventim.de%2Ftickets.html%3Faffiliate%3DEVE%26doc%3DartistPages%252Ftickets%26fun%3Dartist%26action%3Dtickets%26erid%3D1018089%26includeOnlybookable%3Dtrue%26x10%3D1%26x11%3Dbotan" target="blank" background="#B14DFC" background_hover="#FF73E0" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]to offer[/button]
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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.
Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Pergamon Museum and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.
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2-Hour Sightseeing Tour in classic VW Bus
Experience Berlin through the 21 windows of the vintage bus. Enjoy an exceptional and exclusive sightseeing tour in the legendary VW T1 Samba bus. Discover the history of almost 50 sights of Berlin in two hours. A photo booklet, which is tailored to the individual locations of the tour, gives you an exciting impression of the past and the interior of the various sights during the journey, thus completing the overall picture..
[button color="#ffffff" background="#000000" background_hover="#000000" size="6" icon="icon: "]€ 39 [/button] [button url="https://www.getyourguide.com/berlin-l17/berlin-2-hour-sightseeing-tour-in-classic-vw-bus-t69411/?partner_id=0F6C986" target="blank" background="#B14DFC" background_hover="#FF73E0" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]to offer[/button]
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