Art on the Oberbaum Bridge - 16th Open Air Gallery Berlin 01/07/2018
All art lovers beware! This year, the 16th Open Air Gallery Berlin 2018 takes place, where artists and onlookers gather between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain on the Oberbaum Bridge to exchange ideas, opinions and experiences around art and culture.
More than 100 artists present their works of art at this event. You can admire a multitude of works ranging from painting to photography to sculpture and also have the chance to buy them. The traffic around the Oberbaum Bridge is closed for this day. This event not only attracts admirer and purchaser of art objects but also serves as a forum for each visitor to challenge his or her artistic creativity to make your own individual contribution. On 120m screen, which is rolled out on the floor of the Oberbaum Bridge, you can be active at will with brush and paint. For this, young and old are invited. So that the physical well-being is ensured there will be drinks and snacks at one or the other booth. In addition, it is much easier to chat about Berlin's art scene and co with a beer or a cup of wine.
The Open-Air Gallery opens on 01.07.2018 between 10:00 am and 09:00 pm.
Does that sound exciting? Pack your brush, camera and dance shoes and book a ticket to Berlin!
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Date, Address & Tickets...
Where: Oberbaumbrücke, 10243 Berlin
When: 01 July 2018
Hours: 10 to 20 o'clock
Admission free
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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.
Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Pergamon Museum and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.
Find your Berlin Tour here!
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2-Hour Sightseeing Tour in classic VW Bus
Experience Berlin through the 21 windows of the vintage bus. Enjoy an exceptional and exclusive sightseeing tour in the legendary VW T1 Samba bus. Discover the history of almost 50 sights of Berlin in two hours. A photo booklet, which is tailored to the individual locations of the tour, gives you an exciting impression of the past and the interior of the various sights during the journey, thus completing the overall picture..
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