The Pulsating Roots of Berlin - The CTM Festival from 26/01 until 04/02, 2018
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, techno was the soundtrack that underscored the reunification of a divided city.
30 years later, Berlin has changed considerably, but the deep connection to the techno has not broken off. Today, Berlin is the capital of European techno, with thousands of people from all over the world gathering in the nightclubs. In this environment, the CTM, a festival for experimental and electronic music, has developed into an independent festival since 1999 and annually presents current trends in electronic and experimental music as well as artistic projects in the field of contemporary music. With several thousand visitors and a 6-13-day program offering concerts, film screenings, workshops, installations and talks, it is the largest event of its kind. This year's theme "Turmoil" asks about the sound of internal and external crises. Can music be an answer to the disturbing and frustrating present? From the 26th of January to the 4th of February, the festival will once again present itself at some of the most exciting places in Berlin's nightlife, including HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berghain, Yaam and the Festsaal Kreuzberg. Among the highlights are stars like James Ferraro, Holly Herdnon, Boys Noize, Colleen, Errorsmith, Sulfur Yellow, Swan Meat and Nihilo. The CTM Festival is the perfect way to get close to the pulse of the city. A limited number of festival passes are available now.
Where: various places
When: from 26.01. until 04.02.
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[button url="https://www.eventim.de/tickets.html?affiliate=ZEE&referer_info=zanox_Deeplink%20Generator&attr=Deeplink%20Generator&fun=evdetail&doc=evdetailb&key=2089096$10386624&utm_source=zanox&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=2382180360483575808" target="blank" background="#DB6B4E" background_hover="#405663" icon="licon: arrows-keyboard-right"]book your ticket for Holly Herndon Ensemble Sat, 2/3/18[/button]
[button url="https://www.eventim.de/tickets.html?affiliate=ZEE&referer_info=zanox_Deeplink%20Generator&attr=Deeplink%20Generator&fun=evdetail&doc=evdetailb&key=2058007$10386628&utm_source=zanox&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_content=2382181077445177344" target="blank" background="#DB6B4E" background_hover="#405663" icon="licon: arrows-keyboard-right"]book your ticket for Daf + Bestial Mouth Sun, 2/4/18[/button]