Berlin Festival: 48 HOURS NEUKÖLLN from 22 June to 24 June 2018
At this Berlin Festival, you can only say one thing: On to Neukölln and into the fray! 48 hours Neukölln has presented and supported art since 1999 and since then has been working as a forum for all sorts of artistic projects of the Berlin art scene.
The event has established itself as the largest free art festival in Berlin. The artistic work presented provides powerful impulses, far beyond Neukölln into the international context.
The focus of the projects is on current social topics. It addresses all population groups – regardless of Age, background and social status.
Within 48 hours, art is carried across the borders of exhibits, galleries and museums, motivating people to confront, communicate and connect. The artistic positions are in the foreground, including art itself, its production conditions, procedures and social functions. This multifaceted festival reflects on the contemporary and political in art and invites critical questioning and discussion.
48 HOURS NEUKÖLLN is presented by the cultural network Neukölln e.V., financed by the district office Neukölln.
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Date, Address
When: 22-24 June 2018
Where: various places in Neukölln
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And if you are still looking for a hotel in Berlin, then look under Berlin Deals. Maybe the right accommodation is included.
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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.
Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Pergamon Museum and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.
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Reichstag: drinking coffee in the Beetle roof garden restaurant
Enjoy the roof garden Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake. Visit the Reichstag and enjoy a beautiful view of Berlin from the famed glass dome. Enjoy the Dachgarten Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake.
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[photo_gallery source="media: images/artikelgalerien/Reichstag_Kaefer/besuchen_Sie_die_Kuppel_vom_Reichstag.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/Reichstag_Kaefer/Blick_auf_den_Bundestag.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/Reichstag_Kaefer/genießen_Sie_Kaffee_und_Kuchen_im_Reichstagsrestaurant.jpg,images/artikelgalerien/Reichstag_Kaefer/Restaurant_Käfer_Im_Reichstag.jpg" medium="4"]
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