Where do the Easter bonfires take place in Berlin?
At Easter, numerous Easter bonfires take place in and around Berlin.
At Easter, numerous Easter bonfires will light up in and around Berlin. As it’s usually the case, large festivals will take place with many attractions for all ages. If you are still looking for some good Easter bonfires in Berlin here are a few recommended events.
This year Easter will be from March 30 to April 1, 2018. Traditionally, the Easter bonfires are lit on Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday, and in Berlin, the selection of Easter events is as usual very big. Therefore, we want to give you a few tips where you can enjoy a big and beautiful Easter fire as well in Berlin.
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As soon as dawn breaks, the "evil spirits" of winter will be driven out on Saturday the 31st of March in the Britzer Garten with a big Easter fire and music. It starts at 6 pm. The band Velvet Cats will provide a great atmosphere at the playground and lawn. At 7 pm the Easter fire will be ignited. The Britzer Garten is located in Buckower Damm 146.
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The Medieval Festival in the Spandau citadel take place annually during the Easter time. From March 31 to April 2 (every day between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm), in the well-preserved 16th-century Renaissance fortress, numerous knights, fakirs, fools and dancers will take visitors back to the historic market of the Middle Ages. In addition, ground battles or knightly spectacles are fought on horseback, numerous fire and acrobatic shows are shown and small plays are performed. The citadel is located at Juliusturm 64.
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What began as a small campfire with about 80 guests at the old field barn 19 years ago has developed into a success story that has become known far beyond the borders of Gatow. The volunteer firefighters of Gatow invite everyone as usual on Saturday, March 31 from 18.00 clock for an Easter fire - Buchwaldzeile / road 265 and you can also search for Easter eggs. Great is that you don’t have to pay entry.
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Pankow: in front of the Hoffnungskirche an Easter bonfire will be lit on Saturday, March 26th at 11:00 pm, which lights up seven hours - until Easter Sunday at 6:00 am until the beginning of the Easter Eve service - Elsa-Brändström-Straße 33. Also, the entrance is free.
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On the beach at Weißensee an Easter bonfire is kindled right next to the lake. Again, you do not have to pay admission. The fire, including stick bread sizzling, is lit on Easter Sunday and Easter Monday at 2 pm for the little ones and at 6 pm for the adults. You will find the beach in Berliner Allee 155
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More Easter bonfires await you, among others, on the island of youth (Sat and Sun, from 5 pm), in the public park of Potsdam (Sa, from 7 pm) and at the beach bar Yaam, with barbecue from 4 pm (Sat u. So). We wish you a Happy Easter and have fun looking for the eggs!
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