Concerts at the Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin
Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin is a special location.
The castle today, is a museum. The exhibition includes baroque parade chambers, the porcelain cabinet, the ancestral gallery and the castle chapel. The building also houses the Museum of Prehistory, the Gallery of Romanticism and the Replica Workshop.
The 55-hectare castle garden (popularly called "castle park") is now used by the Charlottenburgers as a recreational area.
But not only the castle Charlottenburg is worth seeing, also the many concerts are offering a catchy tune.
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Vivaldi - The four seasons
The violin virtuoso unleashed true storms of excitement in 17th and 18th century Italy. Immerse yourself in the Baroque ambience of Charlottenburg Palace, while being enchanted by the captivating masterpieces of Antonio Vivaldi.
Where: Spandauer Damm 10-22, 14059 Berlin
Dates: 10/01 – 24/03/2018, Wednesdays & Saturdays on selected dates
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Easter concerts - Spring Awakening in the Palace
Unforgettable evenings in Charlottenburg Palace await you on the occasion of our Easter concerts. Enjoy classical compositions of Bach, Vivaldi and Corelli concerts - spring awakening in the castle.
Where: Spandauer Damm 10-22, 14059 Berlin
Dates: 30th & 31st March 2018
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Mozart's Masterpieces - Classical Palace-Concerts
Whether as a musical prodigy, a virtuoso pianist or as a composer of instrumental works, songs and operas - the phenomenal Mozart has become a master of all subjects since early youth. Experience a journey through time to the 18th century at the Berlin Residence Concerts.
Where: Spandauer Damm 10-22, 14059 Berlin
Dates: 07/04 – 09/06/2018, Wednesdays & Saturdays on selected dates
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Baroque Opera Gala - Magic of the Classical
Soft versus loud, solo versus ensemble, a contest of instruments - in the Baroque, contrasting interplay dominate. Such as virtuosity and elegance, pride and vulnerability, tenderness and passion. Visitors of the baroque opera gala in the Charlottenburg Palace can experience the magic of the classic experience.
Where: Spandauer Damm 10-22, 14059 Berlin
Dates: 16/06 – 15/09/2018, Wednesdays & Saturdays on selected dates
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Masterpieces of Baroque - Vivaldi, Pergolesi & Bach
A pleasure trip for all the senses awaits visitors to the Berlin Residence Concerts in Charlottenburg Palace. Masterful compositions by Vivaldi, Pergolesi and Bach, presented by the Berliner Residenz Orchester
Where: Spandauer Damm 10-22, 14059 Berlin
Dates: 22/09 – 29/12/2018, Wednesdays & Saturdays on selected dates
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Sights, tours and tickets ... on Tripadvisor.
Brandenburg Gate, Reichstag Building, Pergamon Museum and many other landmarks & sights make a visit to Berlin unique.
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Reichstag: drinking coffee in the Beetle roof garden restaurant
Enjoy the roof garden Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake. Visit the Reichstag and enjoy a beautiful view of Berlin from the famed glass dome. Enjoy the Dachgarten Käfer restaurant in the Reichstag coffee + cake.
[button color="#ffffff" background="#000000" background_hover="#000000" size="6" icon="icon: "]from € 19,90 [/button] [button url="https://www.getyourguide.com/berlin-l17/reichstag-rooftop-coffee-break-at-kaefer-t59711/?partner_id=0F6C986&utm_force=0" target="blank" background="#B14DFC" background_hover="#FF73E0" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]to offer[/button]
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Datenquelle: https://www.residenzkonzerte.berlin