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Berlin Dungeon, TV Tower, Madame Tussauds etc. ... Don’t stand in line for hours!

Book your tickets conveniently from home while taking advantage of discounts and saving yourself waiting time. In addition, there is almost always priority admittance..

VR Time Travel: Berlin's History in 15 Minutes
VR Time Travel: Berlin's History in 15 Minutes

VR Time Travel: 9 Centuries of Berlin, 15 Min in the TV Tower

Discover Berlin's 900-year history in 15 minutes from the TV Tower using virtual reality. This family-friendly journey through 3D reconstructions transforms the German capital before your eyes. From the Middle Ages to today – learn interesting facts and enjoy a unique experience.

[button url="" target="blank" background="#AC2B90" background_hover="#AC2B90" size="6" icon="icon: thumbs-up"]Tip! Virtual Reality Experience at the TV Tower Berlin – Buy tickets for €10 HERE[/button] 

Services - from €10

Including Virtual reality experience & Virtual reality headset


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Virtual Time Travel in the Berlin TV Tower

Start your adventure in the famous Berlin TV Tower and dive into an exciting and informative odyssey. This unique experience is based on extensive historical research, detailed motion-capture modeling, and 3D reconstructions from selected video and photo archives. In the TV Tower, a captivating journey through time awaits you. Grab headphones and embark on a virtual flight over Berlin, witnessing the city's metamorphosis through the centuries. Embark on an entertaining and innovative journey through medieval Berlin, the Empire, the Cold War era, and finally the modern metropolis known today. This unique experience is a great adventure for the whole family and is offered in both German and English – a highlight for both German and international visitors alike.


At a glance

Virtual Reality Experience at the TV Tower from €10

• Virtual reality experience
• Virtual reality headset


Virtual Reality Abenteuer im Fernsehturm1


Virtual Reality Abenteuer im Fernsehturm2

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